AUDI - Another Uninformed Driver Insulted. Another Useless Device Installed Accelerates Under Demonic Influence
BMW - Bought My Wife - Babbling Mechanical Wench - Beastly Monsterous Wonder - Beautiful Masterpeices on Wheels - Beautiful Mechanical Wonder - Big Money Waste - Big Money Works - Blastphemous Motorized Wreck - Born Moderately Wealthy - Break My Windows - Broken Money Waster - Broken Monsterous Wonder - Brutal Money Waster - Bumbling Mechanical Wretch
BUICK - Big Ugly Import Car Killer - Big Ugly Indestructable Car Killer - Big Ugly Indestructable Compact Killer
CHEVROLET - Can Hear Every Valve Rap On Long Extended Trips
CHEVY - Car Has Extensive Valve Rattle On Long Extended Trips - Charged HEaVilY - Cheapest Heap Ever Visioned Yet
DODGE - Dead Or Dying Garbage Emitter - Drips Oil, Drops Grease, Everywhere
FIAT - Fermati Imbranato Abbiamo Tamponato - Failure in Automotive Technology - Feeble Italian Attempt at Transportation - Fix It All the Time - Fix It Again Tony?
FORD - First On Recall Day - First On Race Day - Fix Or Repair Daily - Found On Road Dead - Fraternal Order of Restored DeSoto's - Driver Returns On Foot (backwards) - Fast Only Rolling Downhill
GM - General Maintenance
GMC - Garage Man's Companion - Generally Mediocre Cars - Get More Chicks - Got More Crap - Gotta Mechanic Coming
HONDA - Had One Never Did Again
HYUNDAI - Hope You Understand Nothing's Driveable And Inexpensive...
MAZDA - Most Always Zipping Dangerously Along
MOPAR - Most Often Passed At Races - Mostly Old Parts And Rust - Mostly Old Paint And Rust
OLDSMOBILE - Overpriced, Leisurely Driven Sedan Made Of Buick's Irregular Leftover
PONTIAC - Poor Old Nut Thinks It's A Cadillac
SAAB - Swedish Automobile - Always Broken
TOYOTA - Too Often Yankes Overprice This Auto
VOLVO - Very Odd Looking Vehicular Object
VW - Virtually Worthless

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