Let's compare Windows 95 against another saviour, Jesus Christ: If you have half a brain, you can't help but notice the throng of publications, analysts and net users declaring Windows 95 the Saviour of the Computer Industry. If you have less than half a brain, you believe it. Could it be?
Jesus Christ : Can walk on water ; Windows 95 : Can crawl on a 486
Jesus Christ : Sits in judgement at the pearly gates ; Windows 95 : Will be used to judge Bill Gates
Jesus Christ : Started life as a carpenter ; Windows 95 : Turns perfectly good computers into furniture
Jesus Christ : Born in a manger ; Windows 95 : Resembles something found in a barn
Jesus Christ : Remembered for protecting the weak ; Windows 95 : Has weak memory protection
Jesus Christ : Was raised from the dead ; Windows 95 : Was created from Windows 3.1
Jesus Christ : Jesus performed great works for the multitudes ; Windows 95 : Windows 95 multitasking performance barely works
Jesus Christ : Jesus has no sin ; Windows 95 : Windows 95 has no shame
You decide.

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